Vidigal - Tinto Reserva - Lisboa
Big Alice - Honey Wit
Big Alice - Lemongrass Kolsch
Brekeriet - Sourbon (Wild Sour in Bourbon Bbls)
Destihl - Here Gose Nothin'
Destihl - Lynnbrook Raspberry Sour
Evil Twin - Imperial Biscotti Bourbon Maple Syrup Barrel Aged
Founders - KBS
Founders - PC Pils
Mikkeller/Omnipoll - Prince and Pauper (Dry-Hopped Grisette)
Mystic - Ratio Golden Ale
Night Shift - OHTT Eureka
Paradox - Blue Bines (Barrel Aged Mosaic Hopped Wild Ale w/ Blueberries)
Prairie - Paradise (Imperial Stout w/ Coconut and Vanilla)
Singlecut - Jim is Working Hard
Sixpoint - Low-Res (Session IPA)
Transient - Objectification (Sour Blonde Aged in a Wine Bbl)
Transient - Only I Didn't Say Fudge (Imperial Stout)
Upland - Cherry (Kriek Style Wild Ale)
Upland/Prairie - Cursed Kettles (Mixed Ferm Sour w/ Cherries and Figs)